Postpartum life is hard.


A large part of what makes it so hard is that your body needs time to heal.

Giving birth is an extraordinary feat, and there simply isn’t enough support available for recovery. You may have been told by now that you can “do whatever you were doing before pregnancy,” but what if something about that guidance doesn’t feel quite right?

You know you need to heal but you’re also ready to feel strong.


Healing your body and getting stronger go hand in hand.


In this moment, you are navigating a significant transition in your body and in your life. And — while you may not be “bouncing back” to where you once were — with aligned guidance you can be the strongest you’ve ever been in your entire life.

This is something that Charlotte Blake Kaplan has witnessed time and again, for over ten years, while serving and supporting the postnatal community. Charlotte is committed to helping you better understand your own needs so that you can feel more in control of your unique healing path.



Postnatal Pilates Consultation
with Charlotte Blake Kaplan

Specialized One-On-One
60-Minute Session
via Zoom Video



Our postnatal offering will help you set a solid foundation for your self and your body so that you can achieve the inner and outer strength you desire.


What strength looks like postpartum:

  • Understanding what an abdominal diastasis is and how to heal it in your body.

  • Knowing in your bones that movement HEALS, and that there are more options available to you than just doing nothing OR doing everything you were doing before pregnancy.

  • Developing an inner core system that is the strongest it has been in your life. This doesn’t mean doing 1,000 crunches at the gym; it’s much more nuanced, powerful, and unique to YOU.

  • Connecting with your pelvic floor in a way you never have before so that you can benefit from a stronger core (yes, they are connected), a more supported back, and better orgasms.

  • Building a foundation for your SELF and your body that is infused with patience, kindness, and compassion.

  • Claiming for yourself, maybe for the first time in your life, that you deserve to feel good. Even amidst the exhaustion of being a mother, you can feel supported in your body.

Let this be the moment in your life when you look at yourself the way your child looks at you: with love and admiration.


You deserve to feel good in your body, Mama. You deserve to fill your own well.


About Charlotte

Charlotte is a Certified Pilates Instructor and the Founder of Charlotte Blake Pilates. She has been working within the perinatal community for over ten years, providing one-on-one support, group programs, workshops, lectures, and distance learning for prenatal and postparum women. Charlotte empowers women with tools that can be integrated during pregnancy and well beyond childbirth. She focuses on helping women understand what an abdominal diastasis is, how to prevent or heal from diastasis, and how to move and exercise safely from prenatal to postpartum. Charlotte is committed to spreading science-based, not fear-based, information that is catered to each body. She takes the time to get to know each woman and determine what will best serve her and her body, listening attentively even when others haven’t. As a mom herself (to her beautiful son, Bodhi), Charlotte brings a fresh perspective to perinatal Pilates. It is her intention to help women better understand their body so that they can stand firm in their power and embrace the beauty in their life.


Love Notes for Mamas

Be a founding member and reader of these Love Notes for Mamas, a postnatal newsletter with a focus on physical healing and disrupting the way we’re told birthing bodies “should” heal postpartum.